High Pressure, Ultra High pressure and Super Ultra High Pressure Industrial Cleaning
High Pressure Cleaning: 0 bar to 750 bar series pumps.
Ultra High Pressure Cleaning: 750 bar to 1000 bar series pumps.
Super Ultra High Pressure Cleaning: 1000 bar to 2800 bar series pumps.
These cleaning processes are used for eg. to remove deposits of sludge, scale and chemical residue from pipelines, vessels heat exchanger bundles, columns and tanks.
Waste Vacuuming & Transportation
One of Enviro-Clean’s major services is the removal and transportation of solid and liquid waste both toxic and non-toxic. We are currently the core contractors at SAPREF Refinery.
The logistics of transporting hazardous waste forms an integral part of our company's day to day operations with well maintained fleet of super suckers and gully suckers to remove inflammable and combustible liquids from tanks and equipment and also to clean up liquid hydro-carbon spills.
Tank Cleaning
Enviro-Clean is equipped with technology and experience for the cleaning of all types of tanks ie. Vertical or horizontal, fixed or floating roofs containing the full range of petroleum products. The following methods of de-sludging can be used to achieve the desired results viz: Manual de-sludging -manually bagging product in biodegradable plastic bags and dumping into skips. Pumping products out of tanks using pneumatic pumps. Super sucking product from tanks using vacuum trucks.
Once de-sludging process is completed, tanks are high pressure water jetted to a completely gas-free condition and handed back to the client. Where atmospheric conditions in a tank is hazardous, crew members will enter the tank under octal conditions using breathing air or the hands free URAKA Tank Cleaning System can be used.
Surface Preparation
This service uses the force of a super high pressure water jet to provide the cleaning action of an abrasive medium minimizing costly sand consumption and elimination of many of the health and environmental hazards often associated with dry sandblasting.
Wet abrasive blasting can be applied to clean steel to a white metal finish or to remove tightly bonded paint from concrete and steel.
In addition to reducing dust, this process profiles metal surfaces and requires little maintenance. Another benefit is that various abrasive media can be used to fit specific applications and requirements thanks to variable water-flow rates and also depending on the nozzle used.
Abrasive Cold Water Cutting
Cold cutting calls for the use of ultra high pressure water jetting to cut steel, concrete and composite materials. The process uses ultra high pressure pumps ranging from 1000 bar to 2800 bar along with water jet abrasives and water jet equipment systems. Examples where cold cutting is used; Pipelines. sludge doors and windows in tanks, demolition of tanks and engineered steel structures, and concrete
BEE status
We are a Level 1 contributor to BEE as we are rated at 110% Black Owned Company, of which 70% is Black Women Ownership, we are committed to Black Economic Empowerment which we highly regard as a national and a business imperative. This reflects our company’s policy that strict adherence to BEE regulations is a strategic priority for all South African operations
Enviro Clean is an industrial cleaning service company that is stamping its mark in a highly competitive South African and African market servicing clients in markets that range from petro-chemical plants, power stations, mines , steel manufacturers and pulp and paper mills. We currently have core contracts with Sapref Refinery.
By determining standards that are benchmarked for the industries that we serve, and by delivering a service that at least equals those standards. We aim to provide our clients with a level of expertise that they will not experience elsewhere.
We are driven by our passion and dedication to become the leading service provider in our industry.
Through ethical, responsive and profitable actions Enviro-Clean will provide a fulfilling working environment for all our employees, the highest level of service for our customers, enhanced value for our members and a spirit of shared responsibility with our community.
We conduct our business fairly with integrity, both with customers and in the market place.
We ensure the equitable treatment of our employees.
We provide complete and accurate information for our company members.
We provide leadership and practice our values in our community.
We identify customer expectations and deliver on commitments in a timely manner.
We provide cost effective and technologically superior products and services for our customers.
We make contributions that strengthen our community.
We are a Level 1 contributor to BEE as we are rated at 135% Black Owned Company, of which 100% is Black Women Ownership, we are committed to Black Economic Empowerment which we highly regard as a national and a business imperative. This reflects our company’s policy that strict adherence to BEE regulations is a strategic priority for all South African operations.
Enviro-Clean planning and decision making is inextricably linked to issues of safety, health and the protection of the environment. Meeting these challenges is an integral part of our commitment to pursuing the best safety practices in all our operational activities. We are ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 certified.
The health and safety of our employees is of primary concern to the company. We strive to create an ongoing safe environment by:
Minimising the number of work related incidents.
Boosting work related productivity in the safest manner possible.
Striving to protect the community around us who are directly impacted by the work place environment.
Establishing and maintaining good relationships.
Competence, training and awareness of all our employees.
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: +27 (60) 975-8577 or fill out the following form
Head Office
To apply for a job with ENVIRO-CLEAN, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: